The attraction lies in the forbidden, and Absinthe isn't one of the ordinary spirits.

In the word Absinthe two things are coming up to your mind; either the bright green color or the prohibition to consume it.
Why? Of course you can find out here!

The natural and intense green color is easy to explain: Absinthe or Wormwood is made from green herbs, traditionally fennel, anise and wormwood, which contain chlorophyll as a natural colorant.
But also transparent or slightly blackish can an Absinthe be, the it’s just not an traditional recipe. Now it can be surmised that this bitter spririt is only for hardened palates, but that’s completely wrong. Despite the use of bitter herbs, the taste is often rather sweet and fresh.
However, you can’t blow away the 54 to 85 percent volume in the taste, which brings a certain amount of sharpness.
Since hundreds of years Absinthe is mainly produced in France and the Switzerland, where Absinthe also find it’s origin.
Wine was mixed with warmwood in the 18th century and was an important remedy in natural medicine.
Later military doctors became aware of the vermouth and introduced it as daily routine for the soldiers in the hope and intention of warding off diseases such as malaria or fighting bad drinking water.
Finally the “green fairy” arrived in France in the 19th century, when she was consumed more and more as an absolute in-drink in the green hour every day between 5 an d 7 pm.
Especially among the artists and literary Absinthe was very well received and spread like wildfire.
«It seems, as if the entire European elite of literature and the fine arts staggered through the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Absinthe.»
Hannes Bertschi
Absinthe is consumed in a variety of combinations and variations, but of course there are also certain traditional rituals:
The classical French Absinthe Ritual
Absinthe is poured into a absinthe fountain or a bouille and a special spoon is placed in the middle with 1-2 pieces of sugar cubes. Over this ice-cold water is poured, so that it runs slowly into the Absinthe, whereby the typical Louche effect is brought about.
The Czech Ritual
In the well-known tradition of enjoying the Absinthe, an Absinthe spoon is positioned over a glass and covered with 1-2 pieces of sugar cubes. The sugar is doused by about 2-4cl Absinthe and then lit, so that the sugar caramelized and combines the typical taste of caramel with Absinthe.
The Swiss Ritual
Absinthe from the Switzerland has been much more sweeter than all the others, so sugar is dispensed with. Only 2-4cl Absinthe is mixed with ice water and drunk directly, without further addition of sugar.

Rumors telling that Van Gogh cut his ear under the influence of Absinthe, absinthe is said to cause hallucinations, cause excessive aggressions and depression, at least the opponents of Absinthe say.
Thujon was an active ingredient triggered by wormwood and was called addictive by Absinthe opponents and was supposed to cause a state of intoxication, which was often used as a reason for various crimes.
So it’s not the guilty of Absinthe, but rather the high amount, in which he was happy to drink.