Le tonneau des marqueurs

Le tonneau des marqueurs :Ton fidèle compagnon pour le carnaval et autres. La cinquième saison est à nos portes et cela signifie : des rues pleines de costumes colorés, de la musique à fond et cette ambiance incomparable qui fait tout simplement oublier le reste. Que tu défiles toi-même dans le cortège, que tu fasses…

Residual sugar in whisky

The whisky code of honour The problem of residual sugar in sherry casks and new barrels The discussion about residual sugar in barrels – whether sherry casks or new oak barrels – is a fascinating, albeit complex, topic. Both the natural properties of the wood and the production and maturation process play a key role…

Sustainability in a wood processing company

How does sustainability concern a wood processing company beyond its production? As a wood processing company, which we clearly are with a sawmill, cooperage, and carpentry shop, we face various challenges. These challenges not only involve educational work or wood procurement but also legal and regulatory requirements. This important and sometimes idealized topic can quickly lead…

Virgin Oak Barrels

Did You Know…why Virgin Oak Barrels Are So Popular for Aging Distillates? Choosing the right barrel is an art in itself and has a significant impact on the character of a distillate. Virgin Oak barrels, made from American White Oak (Quercus Alba), play a key role in this process. But why are these fresh, unused…

Tonnellerie Maison Moussié

Maison Moussié A cooperage that has recently made its way into our premium barrel segment. During a very insightful presentation by the founder, Thomas Moussié, we were convinced by the tonneaux and the new toasting technology. Noventhique Luxury Barrels The barriques from Maison Moussié combine authenticity and innovation with the utmost elegance. They are designed…

Interview with Benny

Cooper Benny What does a typical workday for a cooper look like? You can’t really generalize it because every day is a bit different. It’s not like working in an industrial company where you have your shift every day and know exactly what you need to do. Our work is diverse. When you’re making large…

Séminaire “De l’arbre au tonneau” – une rétrospective

Impressions générales Le séminaire “De l’arbre au tonneau” n’était pas seulement un événement professionnel pour moi, mais une occasion unique de me connecter avec des personnes qui partagent la même passion pour notre métier. J’ai été particulièrement heureux de rencontrer personnellement chacun d’entre eux et de connaître désormais le visage qui se cache derrière les…